Go to the web address the customer has provided for Delivery Info www.saygidday.com/send/info/code or www.saygidday.com/code

Are you Delivering a Parcel & it has a website in the address?

Go directly to the web address the customer has provided

or use the search bar above & the CODE in the address for the Drop Off Info

The CODE maybe a word, numbers or a mix of both

The webpage will have parcel Drop Off info such as safe location to leave the parcel provided by the customer

They may have also included some contact info such as a mobile number or email address

Some pages may have a full address while others may only have the street or suburb – it is controlled by the customer

Say Gidday Delivery Info is a webpage with all the information you want to give the courier to help them deliver your parcel safely

Most Delivery Labels only have space for your name & address & sometimes a mobile no.

Say Gidday Send Info lets you create a webpage with all the information you want to give the courier to help them deliver your parcel safely

All you need to do is add a website address to the delivery label

Let the courier know the best place to leave the parcel & give them some extra contact info such as a mobile number to call or text you & an email address to contact you

You can update the webpage anytime if the information changes

Click on the PLANS button above for more info & to set up


United States USA