When you get a free chemo hair cut CAPS become a regular part of your wardrobe – hence my cute name for this site.
Sun Hats are needed in summer because chemo makes your skin sensitive
Beanies are popular on cancer wards in winter because bald heads & the cold don’t mix

So we have CAPS, Hats & Beanies & the start of an easy plan for individuals & business to raise funds for CAPS – Cancer Patient Support.

Who you give the funds to is up to you – your business may already sponsor a cancer service.

Check out our main website for some local ideas of who you can donate to. If a cancer group you work with is not listed let them know they can create a free listing.

The CAPS Plan is simple – think of a causal friday idea where anyone who wears causal clothes to work makes a donation to the social club.

Now change it to a Cap, Hat or Beanie & the donation goes to a local cancer group. Use our site to find one or ask you staff – some of them are bound to have worked with a local cancer group.

Another CAPS Plan is to clean out your wardrobe or store room & sell all your old surplus caps & hats on a local auction site & donate the $$$ to a local cancer group.

Whatever you do create a listing on our site under Caps & Hats, Events & Fundraising & give it a shout out on your social media – the more pics the better & use the hashtag #saygiddayCAPS